Asian women speak up about patriarchy in non-dialogue show
Image: Janna Tay
” … it’s literally just a big Asian wāhine collaboration, and it’s been so delicious and good.”
—Marianne Infante
” … it’s not just a theatre show—it’s non-dialogue, it’s movement and puppetry and shadow puppetry with music throughout the whole thing.”
—Chye-Ling Huang
“And I really believe in truth, so when people die, whether or not they live their lives really well or did really bad things, sometimes people can be glorified when they die, and I want the full picture of a human being, not just all their good things.”
—Nikita Tu-Bryant
Tide Waits For No Man, PAT’s collar with Spooky Antics, is on at the Auckland Fringe this week. Check out these interviews with the three women who perform in the show, and director Nikita Tu-Bryant!
Image: Janna Tay