Fresh off the Page 2019 - April

How to be a Great White Man

by Natasha Lay

Photography: John Rata / Poster Design: Lindsay Yee

Photography: John Rata / Poster Design: Lindsay Yee

"Let's face it, Tash - You’re Cio-Cio San, you’re Miss Saigon, you’re the go-go dancer in Bangkok who giggles at white dudes twice your age butchering your language." 

14-year-old Natasha had an ambition -  to leave a legacy like the white men in history books. She also made a vow - to never sleep with, let alone date, a cisgender, heterosexual white man.  After being Shortlisted for Playmarket's 2018 Playwrights B4 25 award for the clever and heart wrenching Maniac (On The Dance Floor), Natasha Lay presents a sharp and emotional romp through issues of identity and an attempt at measuring the space between our past and future selves.

Written by Natasha Lay

Directed by Ahi Karunaharan

Producer & Host: Marianne Infante

Assistant producer & Photographer: John Rata


Zak Enayat

ravi gurunathan

bronwyn ensor

emily campbell

gemishka chetty

jen huang

shaan kesha