Fresh off the Page 2018 - July

The Mourning After

by Ahi Karunaharan

The Mourning After is the first play Ahi has ever written and has had its stage debuts at the Basement Makers (2015) and Circa Theatre, Wellington (2012). Fresh Off the Page is very excited to get Ahi Karunaharan's words off the page again to celebrate The Mourning After's 10 year anniversary! 

Ahi says, "It's a play about a serious subject combined with comedy and drama, because I've found people often use humour as an ability to talk and process their grief without it consuming them. I brought this into the script, which is not about the disaster itself, but about the aftermath and how people move on." 


Sahil Arora

Rashmi Pilapitiya

Mustaq Missouri

Mayen Mehta

Ravi Llyod Gurunathan

Written bY Ahi Kahunaharan

Directed by Sananda Chatterjee

Produced bY Marianne Infante

Assistant Producer & Photographer: John Rata

Host: James Roque

Musician: Dhruv Mody